Our permanent collections are operated by the Hennepin Health Foundation.
The collections are located in the lower level of the HCMC Blue Building – 915 S 8th St, Minneapolis, MN. MAP
Both collections are open:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10am - 2pm and by appointment
The MMC Collection:
Is located in BL.227.
The HCMC Collection:
Is located in BL.226.
Email | 612.873.6090
The Hennepin Medical History Center is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization. We operate through the generosity of private donors and are supported by the Hennepin Health Foundation.
Every gift matters. Please consider supporting our mission and activities today by clicking on the link below and choosing the History Center when filling out the Donor Designations Field.
Give to the History Center
If you experience difficulties donating online, please contact our office at 612.873.6090.
How To Be a Volunteer
The Hennepin Medical History Center was started and continues to run on the support of valuable volunteers. A curator takes care of the museum's collections and assists in the planning of exhibits and programs. We are always looking for new volunteers to help in the exhibit rooms and to serve on committees.
Get Involved/Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to participate in the activities of the History Center, volunteering your time is one of them.
History Center Opportunities
- Staff exhibit rooms during open hours
- Volunteer to research and write about historic topics related to the mission of the organization
- Serve on museum committees
Historical Council: governing board of the History Center.
Collections: assist with cataloguing items and documents, making decisions pertaining the accession and de-accession of items into collections.
Exhibits & Programs: develop, design and install displays; organize educational programs.
Technology: works to design a website and other projects.
Fundraising and Communications: raise money for the donation funded History Center and promote the exhibits and events.
- Research for information on items in collection, for displays and programs, and requests for information.
See http://infooncall/Departments/PerformanceMeasurementImprovement/ServiceLeague/index.htm for basic process to become a volunteer or call 612.873.2512 and tell them you want to volunteer for the Hennepin Medical History Center.