Our permanent collections are operated by the Hennepin Health Foundation.

The collections are located in the lower level of the HCMC Blue Building – 915 S 8th St, Minneapolis, MN. MAP

Both collections are open:
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10am - 2pm and by appointment

The MMC Collection:
Is located in BL.227.

The HCMC Collection:
Is located in BL.226.

Email | 612.873.6090


The Hennepin Medical History Center, a program of Hennepin Health Foundation (a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization), operates through the generosity of private donors.

Every gift matters. Please consider supporting our mission and activities today by clicking on the link below and choosing the History Center when filling out the Donor Designations Field.

Give to the History Center

If you experience difficulties donating online, please contact our office at 612.873.6090.

The Metropolitan Medical Center (MMC) Collection

HCMC History PDF

The Metropolitan Medical Center (MMC) History Collection, established in 1974, is dedicated to providing public access as well as preserving and collecting materials and artifacts that document the history of the MMC. The Metropolitan Medical Center was created by the consolidation of St. Barnabas and The Swedish Hospitals in 1970. St. Barnabas was founded by Rev. David Knickerbacker of the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota in 1871, and The Swedish Hospital was founded by the Swedish community in 1898.

MMC CollectionOf special interest are displays that include memorabilia from the schools of nursing of St. Andrew's, St. Barnabas and The Swedish Hospitals as well as Radiology and Medical Technology programs.

A reading area houses over 800 books and bound volumes of journals that are available for research. Uniforms, medical and nursing instruments from operating rooms, obstetrics, and patient care areas also are on display.

The MMC closed on June 30, 1991. The nursing school alumni are still very active.

The MMC Collection is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm and by request.

It is located in the Blue Building of the Hennepin County Medical Center, Lower Level: BL.227.

Operations of the Collection are financed by donations and fundraising. In addition to a paid curator, the Collection is cared for by volunteers.

For further reading on specific hospitals, find these books at the MMC Library:

Books about The Swedish Hospital School of Nursing:

"A True Nurse" by Daniel Hoisington

"From Stripes to Whites" by Pat Gaarder and Tracy Baker

Book about St. Barnabas Hospital:

"With Faith and a Marketbasket" by Grace Terry

Book about Mount Sinai Hospital:

"Mount Sinai Hospital of Minneapolis, Minnesota" by Fred A. Lyon, M.D.

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